Solutions / ProDrill

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Dramatically speed up the hole-making process for parts containing many holes and multidiameter holes. Mastercam ProDrill is a highly customizable, feature-based drilling Add-On for Mastercam. From automatic to fully-customizable drilling routines on surface or solid models from virtually any CAD source, you can adapt time-consuming, repetitive drilling tasks to your style of machining. ProDrill also allows your custom multidiameter step drill to be defined from the geometry used for machining.

  • Optimize tool plane rotation to minimize unnecessary movements.
  • Generate drilling toolpaths for all operations on your part, or on a selective basis.
  • Prevent costly machining errors that disrupt productivity.
  • Available for Mastercam Mill and Mill 3D and Mastercam Router and Router 3D.

With Mastercam ProDrill, you will manage your complex and high volume drilling routines with ease.


ProDrill automates complex and high-volume drilling routines, making it a perfect solution for moldmakers, aerospace manufacturers, and job shops. The application guides you through identifying the drill forms, applying the drilling strategies, and managing the operations quickly and easily.

icon_moldmaker-prodrillCreated with Sketch.


icon_manifold-prodrillCreated with Sketch.

Manifold manufacturing

icon-job-shops-prodrillCreated with Sketch.

Job shops

icon_areospace-prodrillCreated with Sketch.

Aerospace companies

icon_education-prodrillCreated with Sketch.

Educational institutions

Features and Benefits of Mastercam ProDrill

Graphical Drill Form

Graphical Drill Form Creation

Quickly and easily create a strategy for complex holes, then create all associated features with a click of your mouse. ProDrill will generate cutting strategies for an unlimited number of operations.

Ease of use

Ease of Use

Whether you are machining 2D blocks or complex 5-axis parts, ProDrill guides you through identifying drill forms, applying your drilling strategies, and managing them in an intuitive and user-controlled manner.



Drilling features include simple drilling, counter-boring, reaming and boring, chamfering and counter-sinking, threading and tapping, circle milling, and custom drill forms.

Powerful CAD

Open any CAD file in Mastercam to access modeling and prep tools for CAM programmers to get parts on and off machines quickly.

Localized Support

Our Mastercam Resellers bring years of practical experience specific to various regions, manufacturing goals, and language requirements worldwide, to ensure that as a Mastercam user, you always have the support you need to get the most out of your CAD/CAM investment.


Representative of CNC Software LLC (a company of the Sandvik Group) in Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar.

Contact us now to purchase genuine software licenses